Jay-Z & Beyonce Raise $4 Million For President Obama [What's Fresh]

Jay-Z and Beyonce helped raise $4 Million for President Obama's re-election campaign at the 40/40 Club this past week. After the jump read more about the event and what President Obama's DJ had to say about it as well!

A photo of President Barack Obama, Beyoncé Knowles, and Jay-Z surfaced the internet this week as the three gathered for a fundraiser at the 40/40 club. The 40/40 club is a bar and lounge owned by Jay-Z. Donors were charged $40,000 a seat and reports have indicated that Jay-Z and Beyoncé helped raised $4 million for the President.
President Barack Obama and Jay-Z have established a public relationship throughout the course of the President’s first term in office. The last time the two were involved in media headlines, President Barack Obama made a special video-recorded guest appearance on a jumbotron during Jay-Z’s set for The Made In America Festival, which took place earlier this month in Philadelphia.
Michelle Obama and his daughters Malia and Sasha were not present at the fundraiser due to the event falling on a school night. Knowing how eager his daughters would have been to see Beyoncé, President Obama did take the time out to address his respect for Beyoncé stating “Beyoncé could not be a better role model for our daughters because she carries herself with such class and poise.” While on the podium, The President of The United States also joked about Jay-Z and himself sharing similar downsized roles of popularity when in comparison to their wives.
The dinner seemed to be a successful endeavor for Jay-Z, Beyoncé and President Barack Obama. As the next election is gearing up for voters to place in their ballots, it is great to see Jay-Z and Beyoncé Knowles placing their stamp on American pop culture. As Jay-Z would state, “Politics As Usual.”

Check out what President Obama's DJ, DJ Adam 12, says about the fundraising event below!

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